Advanced Driving, Defensive Driving and Road Safety

Advanced Driving has been described as: “The ability to control the position and speed of the vehicle safely, systematically and smoothly, using road and traffic conditions to make reasonable progress unobtrusively, with skill and responsibility. The skill requires a positive but courteous attitude and a high standard of driving competence based on concentration, effective all round observation, anticipation and planning. This must be coordinated with good handling skills. The vehicle should always be at the right place on the road at the right time, travelling at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can always be stopped safely in the distance that can be seen to be clear.”

Driver instructors across the globe aim to raise driving standards by increasing the competence of drivers. Even though most drivers think they are both safer and more skilful than the average driver, in 95% of accidents human error, mainly unsafe driving practices, is the major cause. Advanced Driving Courses and Tests were designed to contribute to road safety and reduce the likelihood of an accident. By working on the skills of drivers, these drivers re-evaluate their ability to spot hazards early and this leads to safer driving. Advanced drivers are also less prone to the frustrations that lead to road rage.

Many drivers have a false sense of comfort after many years' experience at the wheel. Research has indicated that drivers might even get measurably worse over time and advanced driver training might add to more road safety awareness. This awareness is not restricted to just other road users, road conditions, and infrastructure, but the “joining up” of these elements into an overall understanding of their meaning in terms of potential hazards and the appropriate driver response.

Advantages of Advanced Driving Training for Road Safety

The most important advantages of Advanced Driver Training are:

Advanced Driving skills, techniques and requirements

Driving Organizations and Training Facilities might differ in the way that they approach advanced driver training. Some might decide to facilitate training across different roads, from quiet roads to busy town and city centres – whereas others might limit the focus on training in a more controlled environment.

What can the driver expect?

What might the Instructor expect the outcome to be?

Police Drivers in the UK involved in traffic enforcement have to undergo advanced driver training. The techniques these police drivers must complete to pass their test include: